Are The Diaz Brothers Bad For MMA?
Bad boys have always captivated our attention. Whether it's a rock star destroying a hotel room or your girlfriend leaving you for the tattoo covered biker that makes her feel "alive", bad behavior makes people take notice. Perez Hilton and TMZ would be out of business if the public wasn't fascinated by rebels who scoff at society's rules.
The world of mixed martial arts (MMA) provides a potential platform for the ultimate bad boy expression. What's more frowned upon than fighting? A mean a guy who has always gotten in trouble for his body art, bad attitude and affinity for violence gets locked in a cage with another outcast, and they both get paid? It's no wonder Lyle Beerbohm got straight out of jail and headed to his local MMA gym without passing go.

Ah, but this is "martial arts", after all. An activity that we instructors claim builds discipline, respect, focus and a great work ethic. There in lies the predicament. To be a bad a** and a role model, because after all, if you're one of the greatest practitioners of such a noble endeavor, you should be a shining example for all. Shouldn't you?
In Nick and Nate Diaz, mma fans who admire men like Randy Couture, George St. Pierre or Lyoto Machida for their apparent class in and out of the ring are confronted with a dilemma. The brothers Diaz are undoubtedly talented. Among the best in the sport. Their combination of sharp jiu jitsu, pin point boxing and perpetual anger have made them stars. Nate's double middle finger salute mid-triangle against BJJ black belt Kurt Pelligrino is an all time highlight. Sure, the triangle was impressive, but the fingers got him the air time.
Fighters aren't boy scouts, and athletes probably shouldn't be role models, but martial arts should be different. You bow or shake hands, do battle, and hug it out in the end. If you are lucky enough to be involved in a business you love, and make a good living from it, can't you crack a smile once in a while? Can't you show the kids from your old neighborhood that you can leave the anger behind. You can pull yourself up and have a better life. Or do you show them that even when you fight your to the top, there's still nothing to smile about.
Labels: mixed mixed martial arts, mma, ufc, ultimate fighting